Thursday, October 9, 2014

Where are you coming from?

When Pearl was in Kindergarden, she had a lot of friends who were Phillipino background and she is a bit of tan compare to her brother too.  She always told me that she is Philipino.

One weekend when both kids were talking behind the car when we were in the way to our friends house, my hubby and I were talking and we only heard half of the conversation that Pearl (Year 2 now) was pulling his brother's leg saying she is Philipino.  Pierre was 5 and he replied loud and firmly: " No, you are NOT!". That was how mh hubby and I stoppoed our conversation and asked why he was angry. He replied: " Jie Jie (sister in chinese) said she is Philipino and she is lying!".

Then my hubby asked him: " Pierre, do you know where you are coming from?".  I expected he will said I am Aussie. But this is his reply...

" I am from Riverwood*!" Said it proudly.  I burst to laugh, laughed so hard! My hubby tried not to but it was  hard.

That was perfect answer!

* Riverwood is the surburb we are staying.

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